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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Who Should Read This Book?

Who Should Read This Book?
If you want to find out how to maliciously break into wireless networks this
book is not for you. In fact, we feel so strongly about this, we provide the following
If you choose to use the information in this book to maliciously hack or
break into wireless systems in an unauthorized fashion — you’re on your
own. Neither Kevin nor Peter as the co-authors nor anyone else associated
with this book shall be liable or responsible for any unethical or criminal
choices you may make using the methodologies and tools we describe. This
book and its contents are intended solely for IT professionals who wish to
test the security of wireless networks in an authorized fashion.
So, anyway, this book is for you if you’re a network administrator, informationsecurity
manager, security consultant, wireless-network installer, or anyone
interested in finding out more about testing 802.11-based wireless networks
in order to make them more secure — whether it’s your own wireless network
or that of a client that you’ve been given permission to test.
About This Book
Hacking Wireless Networks For Dummies is inspired by the original Hacking
For Dummies book that Kevin authored and Peter performed the technical
editing. Hacking For Dummies covered a broad range of security testing
topics, but this book focuses specifically on 802.11-based wireless networks.
The techniques we outline are based on information-security best practices,
as well as various unwritten rules of engagement. This book covers the entire
ethical-hacking process, from establishing your plan to carrying out the tests
to following up and implementing countermeasures to ensure your wireless
systems are secure.
There are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of ways to hack wireless network
systems such as (for openers) laptops and access points (APs). Rather
than cover every possible vulnerability that may rear its head in your wireless
network, we’re going to cover just the ones you should be most concerned
about. The tools and techniques we describe in this book can help
you secure wireless networks at home, in small-to-medium sized businesses
(SMBs) including coffee shops, and even across large enterprise networks

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